Thursday, June 18, 2015

Unpacking and Settling In

It's been a while.  Without further ado, this post has some before and after photos of my apartment.  Before you look below at them here are some things to remember.  I only started unpacking on Saturday afternoon (so 5 days ago).  Also, the overhead lighting in here is just about as fluorescent as it gets, so the picture quality really is not that great.  (Sorry about that).  Finally, we still have just a couple of things to do (put slip covers on furniture as well as hang up 3 more things).  Well I hope you enjoy!


Yes, I am aware that I have quite a lot of belongings.  But, see how everything already has it's place here?  I have several project ideas started or in the making.  I will keep you posted on what I start next.  I'm thinking I might start my family history project, I'll tell you more about it in a future post.  My next post will detail my adventures with couponing in Colorado.  Stay tuned!