Friday, July 24, 2015

Family Photo Project

Plans, plans, plans.  Who doesn't make plans?  I tend to make too many.  Like today for instance: I had a whole list of plans and guess what happened?  One item on the list ended up taking a lot more time than expected?  That mystery task, what was it you ask? It was that adorable family photo project I started.  Oh sure, it sounds adorable.  That is until you end up sitting on the ground sorting photos for over 4 hours, only to have finished 1 photo box.  Yes, you read right.  It took over 4 hours to sort through one photo box.  I may need to amp up my schedule if I plan to finish this in a year.  All of you know that I have many more boxes to sort through.  Some of them aren't even photo-box-sized, they're huge!  Anyway, that's enough of my rant.  So here a couple of pictures that demonstrate my progress.
The first family photo box
Who doesn't love floral?


All of the duplicate photos in the box.
Sidenote: I spent all of this time between the years 1985-2002, the majority were in 1994-1997.  It's funny to look back on old fashion trends, I especially love the huge hair in the '80s, as well as the huge shirts and leggings in the '90s; but my favorite were scrunchies.  However, sometimes fashion can haunt you when you look back on old photos.  For example:  I think I saw one too many pictures of my father wearing '80s short shorts today.  Some fashions should just be buried and forgotten.

The mystery dish was: mashed purple cauliflower!
From: my local CSA 

1 comment:

  1. Hahahhaahaha I love the fashion trends of the 90's and 80's!!!
