Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Praise for Biscotti: The Twice-Baked Cookie

Chocolate biscotti.
I don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't like biscotti.  How could you not?  It's just a cookie that's extra crispy and meant for dipping.  So, why don't more people make them?  I'm sure everyone reading this has made chocolate cookies at some point.  Why not chocolate chip biscotti?  You see these fancy looking biscotti at Starbucks or your local coffee shop and sometimes can't resist buying one.  But, the prices on biscotti at these stores are crazy!  I make biscotti from most of the same basic ingredients you need for cookies.  The only difference between biscotti and a regular old cookie?  Biscotti have to bake for much, much longer.  If you're having a nice long day at home, why not mix up a batch and pop it in the oven?  It's really only a short preparation time and a long waiting period in which your house smells heavenly.

Vanilla biscotti.
I have two favorite biscotti recipes.  One takes around 40 minutes of total baking time for chocolate biscotti with chocolate chips.  I picked up this recipe from searching through cookbooks at a friend's house.  My other favorite is a vanilla biscotti.  This recipe takes around 1 1/2 hours of total baking time.  I found this one in the Pure Vanilla cookbook by: Shauna Sever, where I also found my coffee creamer recipe.

So, the

next time you think about making cookies, choose biscotti instead!


  1. I truly never thought about making biscotti; such a great idea! Biscotti just feels so fancy and your recipe is definitely delicious! :)
